Monday, January 5, 2015

Get Fit in 2015

Raise your hand if your 2015 New Years Resolution was to "get fit in 2015." Well, I didn't actually make a new years resolution list (shhhh...) but I do want to spend more time focusing on being healthy and exercising more. Here are few of my favorite apps/resources to help get you in shape for 2016.

Do You Yoga: I love this website. A friend of mine got me started on the "30-Day Yoga Challenge" last summer. I wish I could say I faithfully completed my yoga assignment every day, but I didn't. The workouts were really fun, though, I just need to learn to be more disciplined.

My Fitness Pal: This is a really great app if you're looking to lose weight. The app is based around you logging what you eat/drink every day and how much you exercise every day. I especially liked the barcode scanning feature. That way it doesn't take forever to log what food you eat.

Johnson & Johnson Official 7-Minute Workout: I haven't tried this app yet but it has very good reviews. Plus, anything that takes only 7 minutes is a good thing in my opinion.

Top 100 Workout Songs of 2014: This website has a really great list of workout songs. The "Ultimate Compilation of Workout Songs" if you will. Check it out!

30-Day Squat Challenge: My friend and I challenged each other to do this right before summer (so that we could have nice beach butts) but we both kind of failed. It was a great app though with great reminders that pop-up. I always felt guilty that I wasn't doing the squats.

What are some of your favorite workout resources?