Saturday, March 28, 2015
Blogging 101: How to Create a Conversion Box
{Note: This tutorial is geared towards bloggers using Google's Blogger as their platform. While I'm sure this good work, somewhat, for other platforms, it's going to be a little different}
I was on a fellow blogger's site the other day and I noticed a super cool box in the bottom right corner of the blog that said something like "Want to learn more? Like our Facebook page" and there was a button you could click to like the blog's Facebook page.
Since I liked it so much, I thought "Why not get this for my blog." But I wasn't totally sure because code confuses me and I wasn't sure if it cost anything. Guess what though? It's super easy and it's free! So here's my tutorial on here to get that "super cool box" on your blog!
The site that I used was Conversions Box {link here}
The site very easy to use and pretty self explanatory but I'll walk through the steps anyways.
1. Right on the main page, when you scroll down, you'll see where you need to put your info in. The first thing you need to do is type what you want the box to say. I would suggest looking around at some other blogs and seeing what you like best.
2. Next you have to do is insert in the URL for your Facebook page {just copy and paste}
3. Once you've done that you can click "get code."
4. Now, inserting the code into your blog's template or HTML is probably the hardest part, but it isn't even hard!
5. Go into the "template" of your blogger home page and then click "edit HTML."
{Note: before you edit your HTML it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to back everything up just in case something goes wrong}
6. Once your in {you should see tons of code that makes no sense} click control + f and find where it says "/head" {without the quotation marks}
7. Once you find /head create a new line after /head and paste the code that Conversions Box gave you.
8. Then click "save template" and you're good to go! You should now see a unique pop up box on your blog!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions feel free to email me, tweet me, facebook etc. {buttons at the top of page, links on "contact" page} Also, if there's anything you would like to know how to do in the blogging world, let me know! I'm always looking for new ideas!
Happy blogging!!
blogging 101,
conversion box,